Roman Inscriptions of Britain (RIB) Online.

RIB Online - a resource for studying the epigraphy of Britannia.

RIB Online hosts multiple corpora of Roman inscriptions from Britain. Included are:

  • Volume I of The Roman Inscriptions of Britain, R.G. Collingwood’s and R.P. Wright’s edition of 2,401 monumental inscriptions from Britain found prior to 1955. It also incorporates all Addenda and Corrigenda published in the 1995 reprint of RIB (edited by R.S.O. Tomlin) and the annual survey of inscriptions published in Britannia since.
  • Volume III of The Roman Inscriptions of Britain, edited by R.S.O. Tomlin, R.P. Wright, and M.W.C. Hassall, containing 550 monumental inscriptions from Britain found between 1995 and 2006, also incorporating the Addenda and Corrigenda from Britannia.
  • Volumes II and III of The Vindolanda Writing Tablets: Tabulae Vindolandenses, edited by A.K. Bowman and J.D. Thomas.
  • Volumes IV of The Vindolanda Writing Tablets: Tabulae Vindolandenses, edited by A.K. Bowman, J.D. Thomas, and R.S.O. Tomlin.
  • The Bloomberg Tablets, derived from Roman London’s first voices: Writing tablets from the Bloomberg excavations, 2010-14, edited by R.S.O. Tomlin.

RIB in Schools

In 2023  RIB Online launched a new venture. RIB in Schools is the result of collaboration between experts from the LatinNow research project and the charity Classics for All. Phase 1 (KS 2) and Phase 2 (KS 5) were funded by an Arts Impact Accelerator Grant from the University of Nottingham. 

The mission of Roman Inscriptions of Britain (RIB) in Schools is to provide access to the diverse voices of the people of Roman Britain. It helps make the fascinating material from RIB Online more accessible through an introduction to inscriptions and advice on how to use the website and the digital records of the ancient texts.

RIB in Schools shows how important this material can be for understanding life in Roman Britain through a series of resources, for example on migration, childhood and languages. We also support exploration of a local history study through activities designed for the different Key Stages and focused on the North, South, East and West of the country.

The KS2 Introducing Inscriptions lesson plans can be found here.

A video introducing to this new resource can be found here.